Symptoms of heart disease

The symptoms of heart disease are caused by the lack of blood supply oxygen to the heart due to impaired cardiac function .

The symptoms include:

1.ANGINA - He is pain when pressed on the chest .

2.ARITMIA - He is the expression used to indicate the condition of heart rhythm problems that can lead to palpitations or abnormal heart rhythms .

Angina and arrhythmias also usually caused by lack of blood supply that carries oxygen to jantung.Yang in other symptoms such as dizziness follow , prolonged fatigue , nausea , sweating , and shortness of breath .

The symptoms may be early warning jantung.Tapi attack risk is very unfortunate , those who experience these symptoms often consider only the usual colds , this is what makes the first aid to be obstructed and can be very detrimental akibatnya.Kenapa so ... ?

At the time of a heart attack , the heart muscle will die at the time did not get darah.Tidak like other tissues , the heart muscle can not regenerate .

Because the longer the attack and did not immediately addressed , it is much too permanent damage to the heart muscles can even death if left unchecked .

At the time of heart attack symptoms arise , it is important to seek medical attention because the greatest risk of death within 1 hour after a heart attack .

Given the danger of life -threatening heart disease , prevent is the best way we have to lakukan.Dengan how to keep diet and regular exercise .

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